Urban Nature Store Backyard Blog

A Canadian Birding & Nature blog brought to you by Urban Nature Store

Nesting Season is in Full Swing

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With spring migration over, birds are active with all aspects of breeding. Songbirds that arrived in recent weeks began with males claiming territory and calling out for a new partner. Females show up a little later and if they find a suitable mate, one or both will quickly begin nest construction, depending on the species. Old nests, even if they made it through the winter, will not be reused, Nature’s way of ensuring the chicks have a fresh start without mites and ticks.

Birds like swallows, woodpeckers and chickadees that nest in cavities will reuse these spots and that includes bird houses. You are responsible for cleaning nest boxes before they get started. Nests come in all shapes and sizes from toonie-sized hummingbird nests made of lichens to fully enclosed Cliff Swallow nests made entirely of mud. Soon, young birds will be everywhere, including in our yards.

Happy Summer Birding!

Brian Morin

Publisher of Ontario Birding News

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Live Bird Feeder Cam in Niagara


Our backyard bird feeders are the perfect way to elevate your birding experience. Enjoy live cameras that feed you beautiful footage of the birds as they feed. Live feeder cams are a great way to never miss a minute of action at the feeders. Our live bird feeder cam is located in the Niagara Region in Ontario. Watch the live feed and you can see many of the birds that are local to our area and visit backyard bird feeders.

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