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Urban Nature Store Backyard Blog

A Canadian Birding & Nature blog brought to you by Urban Nature Store

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Once winter sets in, we may find ourselves entertaining local birds that might otherwise appear only infrequently. A favourite is the Tufted Titmouse, a chickadee cousin that has a prominent crest and a boisterous, rapidly repeated song ‘Peter-Peter-Peter’. It is normally not as friendly as chickadees, which can often be hand fed.

Never common, it is found in a few areas of Southern and Eastern Ontario close to the lower Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. Like chickadees, it readily takes to black-oil sunflower seeds.

A more frequently encountered special visitor is the Carolina Wren. This curious bird can be seen poking around woodpiles, checking out brush or sampling a variety of food options at feeders. While it may select seeds, its preference is suet and shelled peanuts. A third species, the largest of them all, is the Red-bellied Woodpecker. These birds are quite at home in mature woodlots but they may appear at suet feeders during the winter. All of these birds are present year-round but they tend to show up more in the off-season when they appreciate a handout.

Happy Holidays!

By Brian Morin

Publisher of Ontario Birding News

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Live Bird Feeder Cam in Niagara


Our backyard bird feeders are the perfect way to elevate your birding experience. Enjoy live cameras that feed you beautiful footage of the birds as they feed. Live feeder cams are a great way to never miss a minute of action at the feeders. Our live bird feeder cam is located in the Niagara Region in Ontario. Watch the live feed and you can see many of the birds that are local to our area and visit backyard bird feeders.

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